How Much Do Portable Generators Weigh? (Full Guide!)

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Finding the perfect portable generator can be a challenge. From size to power and price, there’s much to consider before settling on your ideal choice—even more so when considering its weight! Did you know that portable generators usually weigh between 20 and 250 pounds?
In this blog post, we look into how factors affect their heftiness, allowing you to make an informed decision for your individual needs. So if finding just the right strength and portability is what you seek, read on!

So, How Much Do Portable Generators Weigh?

Portable generators vary in weight but generally range from 20 pounds to 250 pounds, some models might be lighter or heavier than that range, though. This weight spectrum depends largely on factors like size and power capacity.

For example, handheld portable generator models would naturally be at the lighter end of this scale. However, their bigger counterparts (heavy-duty portable generators) can lean towards the heavier side.

At an overall level, popular mid-sized inverter generators are light (usually less than 150 lbs) while still providing enough power for most basic needs without becoming too cumbersome to carry around. There’s an appropriate portable generator model for every user—it all comes down to preference and usage!

How Much Do Portable Generators Weigh?

Factors that Affect Portable Generator Weight

Several factors can affect the weight of a portable generator, including its power capacity, components, fuel type, and the type of generator it is.

Power capacity

Portable generators can weigh anywhere from 20 pounds to 250 pounds, with some weighing slightly less or more. Here is a general breakdown of weight categories for portable generators:

  • Small Portable Generators: Great for smaller homes or powering small electronics, these models typically have an output of between 1000 and 3000 watts and weigh in at 20–50 pounds (9–23 kg). They are easily moved from place to place due to their lightweight size.
  • Mid-Range Portable Generators: More powerful than the small units yet still easy enough to move around, mid-range generators offer up power outputs that vary from 3000 to 8000 watts with a weight hovering around 50 to 150 lbs (22.5 to 68 kg). Perfect choice when a slightly more involved electrical supply is needed beyond what a smaller portable generator offers!
  • Large Portable Generators: Those looking for the highest wattage will find it with these units—from 8,000 to 17,500 watts are possible! And just like their mid-range counterparts, they’re quite sizeable too, usually coming in at 150 to 250 lbs (68 to 113 kilograms) heavy.


Portable generators can vary in weight depending on their components and features, such as the size of fuel tanks, external casing, and type of engine or alternator. Heavy-duty industrial models that provide high power output can weigh up to 350 pounds, while small inverter models tend to be lighter at around 60 pounds.

Choosing the right generator is essential for different applications like home use or job sites where portability may matter, and understanding what components go into these machines helps people pick the best model according to their needs.

Fuel type

When choosing a portable generator, you should consider the weight implications of its fuel type. Natural gas and diesel generators require additional components that add weight to the overall unit, while propane generators tend to be lighter since they don’t need as much internal equipment.

Knowing how these different fuel types can affect your usage is important for picking out the right one for your needs!

Type of generator

Portable generators are designed for easy transport, weighing anywhere from 45 to 200 pounds depending on features and power output, while larger industrial or backup types usually weigh more due to size as well as increased capacity levels.

Selecting the right kind with proper capabilities according to need will result in picking out a device suitable both for use and weight parameters like portability, etc.

Considerations When Choosing a Portable Generator

When choosing a portable generator, consider factors such as portability, specific power needs, fuel efficiency, available features, and price.


Portable generators are an ideal choice when needing access to reliable power away from home. They’re typically light and compact enough (weighing between 65 and 200 lbs.) that one or two people can carry them around, making them a convenient solution on trips and outings.

With backup electricity in any setting—whether it’s at the campsite, an outdoor event, or during emergencies—you won’t be stuck without much-needed power thanks to the portability of these generators.

Specific power needs

Choosing a portable generator that meets your needs can be tricky, but understanding power output is key.

Always check the rated wattage of generators to ensure you get one with enough current and capacity for what you need. Don’t overspend by buying unnecessary power; do research beforehand to find just the right fit!

Fuel efficiency

Fuel efficiency is an important consideration when choosing a portable generator. Inverter generators offer excellent fuel efficiency, consuming less gas and making them an economical choice.

These portable models adjust engine speed based on demand to help extend their runtime and optimize power usage—an ideal pick for those wanting to save money while being environmentally conscious at the same time!

Available features

When you’re looking for a portable generator, there are certain features that can really enhance your overall experience and make it more convenient to use.

Think about electric start capability, which eliminates the hassle of pull start; low oil shutdown systems for improved safety during extended use; and fuel gauges so you always know how much gas is left in the tank.

Multiple outlets give flexibility when powering several devices simultaneously, while noise reduction technology ensures peaceful operation wherever it’s placed—this could be especially important if you live somewhere where peace and quiet matter!

When you’re looking for a portable generator, there are certain features that can really enhance your overall experience and make it more convenient to use.

For extra portability, many models also feature wheels and handles; some generators even offer parallel capabilities, making them expandable or useful for multiple-person job sites, etc. With all these features on offer, it’s essential to compare models closely until you find just what suits your needs best.


Choosing a suitable generator depends largely upon understanding factors such as wattage or fuels used—regardless of its weight, it could have varying costs associated with different types available in the market.

Consider evaluating your choices and your budget before selecting the most beneficial solution!

Considerations When Choosing a Portable Generator


Are there lightweight options available for portable generators?

Portable generators that are designed to be light and easy to transport can weigh as little as 25 pounds.

Can I use a heavy-duty portable generator for camping trips?

Heavy-duty models tend not to be the best choice since portability is key when going on outdoor activities or campouts.

How does the weight of a portable generator affect its portability?

Heavier generators will make transportation difficult over uneven terrain; choosing an appropriately lightweight model depending on the usage scenario can help improve ease of mobility in these situations.


From lightweight 60-pound inverters up to heavyweight versions topping out at around two hundred pounds, choosing the best portable generator means considering several factors, including desired output capability—so choosing a portable one means considering portability as well as your specific energy requirements when selecting it.

Tim Freeman

Tim Freeman is an experienced technician and a generator enthusiast. With over 15 years in the industry, Tim offers reliable advice on selecting, installing, and maintaining generators for various purposes. Get trustworthy tips from his blog posts! Email: